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The Annual Parish Assembly and the Annual Parish Council Meeting will now be held on Wednesday 22nd May 2024 instead of the usual third Wednesday of the month.  Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

May 22nd 2024 Agenda Annual Parish Assembly

May 22nd 2024 Agenda Annual Parish Council meeting


Energy Company Obligation (ECO) 4


ECO 4 is the fourth stage of the governments Energy Company Obligation scheme which runs until 2026. The primary goal of the grant is to support low-income households who are unable to upgrade their homes and heating systems.

The scheme takes a fabric first approach through focusing on the building itself before installing new heating systems. ECO 4 framework actually shows a specific interest in insulating solid walls, aiming to carry out up to 22,000 solid wall insulation installations each year.

Applications for this scheme can be made directly through one of the following energy companies who will determine a households eligibility for fully funded improvements. These include:

  • British Gas
  • E.ON
  • Ecotricity
  • EDF
  • ESB Energy
  • Octopus Energy
  • Outfox The Market
  • OVO Energy
  • Scottish Power
  • Shell Energy
  • SO Energy
  • The Co-Operative Energy
  • The Utility Warehouse
  • Utilita Energy

Typically a household will be eligible for improvements if they are in receipt of benefits such as Jobseekers Allowance, Income Support, Universal Credit etc…

More information on ECO 4 can be found through the following links:

ECO 4/ECO Flexible Eligibility | ECO 4/ECO Flexible Eligibility | Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk (

FAQs for domestic consumers and landlords | Ofgem

Energy Company Obligation (ECO) Flexible Eligibility


ECO 4 has enabled the Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk to identify the most vulnerable households who could benefit from energy efficiency improvements. This scheme is called ECO Flexible Eligibility and is outlined in the following Statement of Intent –

The four routes of qualification outlined in the Statement of Intent are as follows:

  1. Collective household income below £31,000 per annum
  2. Households in receipt of certain benefits/proxies
  3. NHS professional & GP referrals (following the council identifying a link between certain health conditions and cold homes)
  4. Bespoke Targeting

*These routes are detailed further within the Statement of Intent.

If an application is successful, a declaration of eligibility will be issued to the dwelling or chosen retrofit installer which will enable the release of funding to accommodate these works.

Further information will be provided to the household upon the declaration be issued.

Please contact for further information.

Home Upgrade Grant (HUG) 2


HUG 2 funds energy efficiency upgrades and clean heating systems in low-income households. The scheme targets the worst quality (EPC band D-G), off-gas grid homes in England, to tackle fuel poverty and progress towards the UK’s 2050 Net Zero commitment through the implementation of full house retrofits.

King’s Lynn & West Norfolk, North Norfolk, Broadland & South Norfolk and Breckland councils are implementing HUG 2 through Norfolk Warm Homes.

Households sitting within Income Deciles 1-3 in Indices of Multiple Deprivation are automatically eligible for this scheme, along with households that are in receipt of certain benefits and those that have a collective income of under £31,000 per annum.

This scheme runs until 2026 and more information can be found through the Norfolk Warm Homes website – Norfolk Warm Homes

Please contact for further information.

Connected for Warmth (CFW)


Connected for Warmth installs singular heating and insulation measures into homes across the United Kingdom.

Although the Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk isn’t directly involved with this scheme, households are referred to Connected for Warmth if proven to be ineligible for schemes such as ECO 4 & HUG 2.

Households are automatically eligible for the scheme so long as the dwelling in question falls withing Council Tax bands A-D.

Further information on CFW can be found through the following link – Fully funded energy efficiency measures | Connected for Warmth



Great British Insulation Scheme (GBIS)


The GBIS is a new government energy efficiency scheme (formerly known as ECO+) that will be administered by Ofgem. It is designed to deliver improvements to the least energy-efficient hones in Great Britain to tackle fuel poverty and help reduce energy bills.

The scheme complements the ECO 4 scheme, yet unlike ECO 4’s whole house approach, this scheme will mostly deliver singular insulation measures.

As well as supporting low-income and vulnerable households, it will also be available to those living in homes with an EPC of D-G  and within Council Tax bands A-D.

GBIS is still in it’s infancy so please contact for further information.

Please contact or for information on any of the schemes mentioned above.



Notice of Election

Free voter ID applications are open

Remember, I need a photo ID to vote. Find out more at No ID? You can apply for free voter ID.

Published on the BCKLWN website 9th February 2023

Applications are now open for a new form of free ID that can be used at elections.

Ahead of a new voter ID requirement, the UK Government has opened the online portal for the ID, known as the Voter Authority Certificate, for voters that do not already have an accepted form of photo ID.

Accepted forms of ID include a UK, European Economic Area (EEA) or Commonwealth passport; a UK or EEA drivers’ licence; and some concessionary travel passes, such as an older person’s bus pass or an Oyster 60+ card. Voters will be able to use expired ID if they are still recognisable from the photo.

People wishing to vote in the borough council local elections, taking place in West Norfolk on 4 May 2023, will need to show ID at the polling station to receive a ballot paper. If they don’t have an accepted form of ID they will need to submit an application for a Voter Authority Certificate through the online portal, at, or by submitting a paper form to electoral services at the Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk, King’s Court, Chapel Street, King’s Lynn, PE30 1EX. Applicants can also call 01553 616773 or e-mail for more details.

The deadline to apply for free ID before the May elections is 5pm on 25 April. Applicants must be registered to vote, and will need to provide their date of birth, National Insurance number, and a photograph with their application.

Those that have an accepted form of ID already do not need to apply.

Ailsa Irvine, Director of Electoral Administration at the Electoral Commission, said:

“The availability of free ID is important to maintaining the accessibility of elections. We are calling on all voters to check whether they have an accepted form of ID and, if not, to apply for the certificate.

“We know from research that the vast majority of people already have the ID they need. Those voters only need to remember to bring it with them on polling day. However, anyone who doesn’t currently have an accepted form of ID can now apply for free voter ID.”

Lorraine Gore, Returning Officer at the Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk, said:

“With elections coming up on 4 May, it is important that residents in the borough make sure they’re election ready. If you need any help with applying for free ID or want to request an application form, you can contact the electoral services team on tel:01553616773 or by e-mailing”

Temporary Traffic Regulation

NORFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL proposes to make a Temporary Traffic Regulation
Order (WTRO3964) affecting the Stoke Road from 87m south of its junction with
Oxborough Road for 100m southwards in the PARISH OF BOUGHTON to facilitate
UK Power Networks electrical works.

The road will be temporarily closed (except for access) between 08:30 and 15:00 on
3 rd May 2023 for the duration of the works expected to be about 6.5 hours within the

Alternative route is via: Stoke Road, Boughton Road North, A134 Stoke Ferry
Bypass, Chapel Road, The Green, Mill Hill Road, Wretton Road (Stoke Ferry,

If necessary, the restriction could run for a maximum period of 18 months from the
date of the Order.

Penalty: £1000 maximum fine on conviction and/or endorsement for contravention.

In the event of the start date being delayed the new start date will be displayed on
site in advance.

The team dealing with enquiries at Norfolk County Council is West Area Streetworks
(Community and Environmental Services Department) contactable by telephone at
0344 800 8020 or email at Details are also available at

Dated this 14 th day of April 2023.

Katrina Hulatt
Director of Legal Services (nplaw)
County Hall
Martineau Lane


WNCT Ltd (Go To Town buses) have requested, and have been authorised by Norfolk County Council, to run a service bus through Stoke Ferry village in to Downham Market.  The 16 seater low floor service bus will travel through Crimplesham & Wereham, then into Stoke Ferry village. It is also a hail and ride service so can be waved down as it travels through.  This 66 service starts 30th January 2023 and will run Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays throughout the year and will connect the village to the local town via Wretton and West Dereham.

WNCT hope this new service into Downham town centre will be welcomed by the residents of Stoke Ferry, it has been backed by Norfolk County Council as part of their tackling rural isolation campaign.



Advice for bird keepers in Norfolk amid avian influenza (Bird Flu) outbreaks
There have been several outbreaks of the highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus in Norfolk. Mandatory housing measures for all poultry and captive birds in Norfolk, Suffolk and parts of Essex have been introduced from 00:01 on 12 October 2022, following a decision by the UKs Chief Veterinary Officer.

The housing order legally requires all bird keepers in these hotspots to keep their birds indoors and to follow stringent biosecurity measures to help protect their flocks from the disease, regardless of type or size.

Norfolk Trading Standards will be working with the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) to support businesses and minimise the risk of disease spreading further.

The UK Health Security Agency has said that avian influenza is primarily a disease of birds and the risk to the general public’s health is very low.

The Food Standards Agency has said that avian influenza poses a very low food safety risk, and that properly cooked poultry and poultry products, such as eggs, are safe to eat.

The measures that APHA require people keeping birds to take to reduce the risk of spreading the disease are:

  • housing all poultry and captive birds (including birds kept as pets)
  • cleanse and disinfect clothing, footwear, equipment, and vehicles before and after contact with poultry and captive birds – if practical, use disposable protective clothing
  • reduce the movement of people, vehicles, or equipment to and from areas where poultry and captive birds are kept, to minimise contamination from litter, manure, slurry, and other products, and use effective vermin control
  • keep records of all deaths, movement of poultry and poultry products and any changes in production
  • thoroughly cleanse and disinfect housing on a regular basis
  • keep fresh disinfectant at the right concentration at all farm and poultry housing entry and exit points. Foot dips should be covered to stop disinfectant getting diluted
  • minimise direct and indirect contact between poultry and captive birds and wild birds, including making sure all feed and water is not accessible to wild birds
  • prevent access by poultry to ponds and watercourses and ensure that birds are kept in fenced or enclosed areas

The public are advised to keep to designated footpaths, not to feed wild birds, and keep dogs on leads. Don’t touch sick or dead birds, their feathers, or their droppings. If you see a dead bird, please report it to Defra’s helpline on 03459 335577. Sick birds should be reported to the RSPCA (0300 1234 999) who, dependent on the situation, may be able to offer assistance.

Cllr Fabian Eagle, member champion for the rural economy, said: “Avian Influenza is not just a disease of farmed poultry, it can infect many species of wild birds as well. If we want to see any type of birds in our countryside and coastline, please clean and disinfect your footwear. Norfolk is renowned as a farming and birdlife county, so let’s keep it that way.”

Christine Middlemiss, the UKs Chief Veterinary Officer, said: “We are seeing a growing number of bird flu cases on commercial farms and in backyard birds across Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex, and expect the risk to continue rise over the coming months as migratory birds return to the UK.

“We are now taking further action to help protect flocks from this highly infectious and devastating disease. Keepers in these hotspots must continue to follow strict biosecurity standards to protect their flock and should use the next few days to prepare and move their birds indoors.”

Information regarding the latest situation can be found online at

Community Hot Spots and Libraries
Norfolk County Council working with Norfolk Community Foundation have funded a number of locations where you can go to access services and other help; receive a hot drink and refreshments and a place to socialise and stay warm. Follow the links:

Food banks and larders
There are a range of places around the county where food parcels or cheap and wholesome food can be obtained.  More information about locations and opening times can be found via the Nourishing Norfolk network, or via the list held on Norfolk ALC’s website:

General Advice

Wrap up well

  • Wear plenty of thin layers rather than one thick one is the best way to keep warm in winter.
  • Wear clothes made of wool or fleecy synthetic fibres (cotton is only effective if the garment stays dry)
  • Keep your feet warm with rugs and slippers.
  • Wear bed socks and thermal underwear at night
  • Putting on a coat, hat, scarf, gloves and warm shoes or boots when you go outside. If you’re heading out, make sure you take some extra layers – even if you don’t need them immediately, it’s a good idea to be prepared because the temperature can drop significantly when the sun goes in.

Heat where you need it

  • Only heat the rooms you use – heat the living room during the day and the bedroom just before going to sleep.  Turn the heating in other rooms down or completely off.
  • Keep doors and windows closed.
  • The ideal temperature is 64°F (18°C) for your bedroom and 70°F (21°C) for your living room. Check your thermostat or use a room thermometer to monitor temperature, and keep your bedroom window shut on a winter’s night.
  • Draw your curtains and tuck them behind the radiator to avoid cold spots.
  • Use a hot-water bottle, wheat bag or electric blanket to warm the bed, but never use a hot-water bottle and electric blanket together as this can be dangerous.
  • More tips at MoneySavingExpert.

Eat well

  • A healthy balanced diet will help keep you warm and healthy in the winter. Make sure you and your family eat at least one hot meal a day like soup which is nutritious, keeps you warm and is inexpensive to make or buy.
  • If you have them, microwaves, slow-cookers and airfryers are often the most cost (and energy) efficient ways of creating hot meals.
  • Batch cook and reheat in a microwave.
  • Get your 5 a day.
  • Avoid comfort eating.

Stay active and stay in touch

  • Staying active is good for your health. Walking, for example, can be good for you. If the weather prevents you getting outside, stay active indoors by catching up on all the household tasks you’ve been putting off.
  • Stay in contact with friends and family, especially if you’ve been stuck in the house for a few days. If you have elderly relatives or neighbours who might need help, check up on them.

The cold weather could be just one of many reasons why someone has tumbled into crisis and needs help and support.  Places where that help can be found are contained in our “Help in a Crisis” document available from our website.  Good places to try first are as follows:

Norfolk Assistance Scheme can help you get support and financial assistance for food, energy, water, and other household essentials including white goods. You can apply yourself or a support organisation, such as Age UK Norfolk or Citizens Advice can apply on your behalf. 0344 800 8020.

Citizens’ Advice – CABx can offer help with energy bills and with advice on how to reduce your ongoing energy requirements. 0800 144 8848

Norfolk Community Foundation’s Nourishing Norfolk food hubs provide a range of food support. This includes community fridges and larders, food pantries and community supermarkets

Cost of living vouchers – if you are eligible for free school meals you will now receive a monthly ‘cost of living’ voucher. The vouchers will be £15 per month per child with an additional payment of £30 per child in December.

Anglian Water provides an Extra Care Support Service for people who need help paying their water bills including advice, payment breaks, flexible payment plans and discounts. 0800 169 3630

Community Action Norfolk – Thinking Fuel

The Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk is currently working with Community Action Norfolk, to encourage people to sign up to the Thinking Fuel collective oil buying scheme.

The price of heating oil has become a concern for many households, with the price being unregulated, and unpredictable in recent months. A good way to get the best value and save money is through joining a collective oil buying scheme.

Thinking Fuel is a well-established, dependable, Norfolk based scheme that offers a fair, flexible and accessible way to buy oil. Community Action Norfolk’s expert buyers negotiate the best possible prices for its members which eliminates the need to shop around. Everyone pays the same low price per litre.

You do not have to pay to join, and there is no obligation to buy.

Now is the ideal time to ensure that you will be getting the best oil rates in the winter months, so to ensure that you don’t miss out, please visit the Community Action Norfolk website, or call 01362 698216 today”.

ThinkingFuel | Community Action Norfolk

Norfolk Warm Homes

“The Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk has been working with Norfolk Warm Homes to deliver energy efficiency improvements across the district.

These fully funded improvements are available to all homeowners with an annual income under £30,000, and savings not exceeding £50,000. Improvements will help make your home warmer and more energy efficient, whilst also lowering energy bills and cutting carbon emissions. These improvements could include improving the insulation in your home so that less heat is lost or replacing a heating system that doesn’t work very well with a more efficient heating system.

As temperatures start to drop, now is the ideal time to make sure that your home is ready for the colder months ahead.

To ensure that you don’t miss out, please visit the Norfolk Warm Homes website, or call 01603 430103 to make an application. Energy efficiency improvements are available on a first come, first served basis, so please do not hesitate, and contact Norfolk Warm Homes today”.

Norfolk Warm Homes


Help, Support and General Info

Q&A with Police Crime Commissioner on 13th December in Kings Lynn CLICK HERE

NCC Poster on a ‘Healthier Lifestyle’ CLICK HERE

Downham and other areas Priority Setting Meeting Dates for 2023 CLICK HERE plus information for 17th January 2023 CLICK HERE

Guidance – Worried about paying bills? Click the following links for more information:

Are you worried about paying monthly bills long

Are you worried about paying monthly bills short

Shocked by increasing Energy Bill?  Free online session giving practical tips to manage your energy Costs.  Tues 22 Feb at 11 am    See Poster for info to join virtually CLICK HERE

Information for Tenants of Private Landlords from the BCKLWN in regard to Electrical Inspections and Energy Performance of a home and reporting when this is not the case to the  CLICK HERE and CLICK HERE for more information – Feb 2022.

How to Contact the Local Police Team Information

Police Notice regarding Scams – Courier Scam July 2021

Cybercrime Information for Public

Fraud Poster – Police

Norfolk Youth Against Bullying Campaign

Managing Finances and Avoiding Scams Guidance

Lived Experience Flyer Norfolk Mind

Talk To Us Service Poster YMCA

Abuse -Harm Support

NHS Support for Mental Wellbeing

Norfolk Alc Wellbeing Task and Finish Group Message – Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Board

Scammers and Fraudsters groups NSVC info 260420

NSVC Scam Prevention Service Information 260420

Changes to Post Office Services from 11 May 2021

There is a mobile Post Office Van in Stoke Ferry outside the Flames Kebab Shop Layby.  Please see the times below:

Monday – No service.  Tuesday 12:25 to 13:00.  Wednesday 12:25 to 13:00.  Thursday – Sunday No Service.

Finger Post – Badges (Linking to the Stoke Ferry Walks Booklet).  

Some of you might have noticed new signs on our footpath finger posts. These are part of the Parish Councils footpath project and link in with the walking booklet.


CILCA Certificate Received – Qualified Clerk in CILCA at Stoke Ferry PC

The Clerk and RFO has received their official certificate at the end of October 2020 for the CILCA accreditation which they had qualified in at the end of April 2020.  This was after 10 months of study amounting to over 100 hours, working flexibly around their duties, work-life balance and with the support of the Council.  The certification was run by Norfolk Association of Local Councils and provided by SLCC (Society of Local Council Clerks) for the CILCA (Certificate in Local Council Administration) as part of the National Improvement Strategy for Parish and Town Councils.  The qualification covered modules in Core Roles of the Local Council; Law and Procedures; Finance; Management and Community Engagement.

Stoke Ferry new Village Sign and re-furbished Bench – 13.03.19

By now many of you will have seen the new Village Sign at Stoke Ferry.

This was started last summer when the Parish Council asked the local art group for some ideas for a new sign. We then commissioned our local hardware company, family run Thomas Bonnetts, to make a bespoke iron sign.

We wanted this sign to be a statement piece of artwork which reflects iconic images, past and present, from around the village so we have a Ferryman, the old Railway Station, The Hall and the former Church.

This structure comprises of over 100 pieces of metal and well over 200 nuts and bolts. It took over 70 hours to make and over 20 hours to paint.

I am sure we can all agree this beautiful piece of art will be a talking point for many years and we thank the team at Bonnetts for all the hard work they have put into this.

I would also like to thank another local family, Stephen Scotney, who has worked on the newly refurbished bench now placed in the garden area. Once again, local families are helping our community to improve.

Thank you from SFPC to all those who have worked on these projects.


2Agriculture Mill Liaison Committee Vacancy – The Parish Council wishes to advise the Community that there is one place on the Committee for a Village Representative, the Committee is hosted by the Mill, two representatives of the Parish Council attend.   It meets four times a year on a Wednesday at 4pm.   If you are interested in joining the Committee as a Village representative, please contact the Stoke Ferry Parish Clerk by email or phone 07795006811.

2Agriculture – The Mill can be contacted directly on the following telephone numbers should any members of the public have concerns 01366 502324 & 01366 502375

Borough Council of Kings Lynn and West Norfolk (Planning; Bin Collections; Dog Fouling; Noise Nuisance; Environmental Health; Housing Register; Council Tax): Covid 19 Business and Individual Support. Visit their website:

Norfolk County Council: Reporting of Defects with the Highways (signs/pot holes) via their defect portal.  Any individual can use the portal : 


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